

When it comes to children, any parent will tell you there is little recourse for keeping kids quiet. But when it comes to all other child-related noises, such as those found in schools, there are, thankfully, plenty of ways to keep noise to a minimum to keep growing minds..

Engineers are known for being inquisitive and dedicated to problem-solving but often, they’re pressed for time and forced to multitask. As a result, they often need to absorb information as quickly as possible in order to choose the best products for the project at hand.

Open floor plans – both residential and commercial – are all the rage. And it’s easy to see why. The expansive spaces are open, collaborative and interactive, and have become a welcomed departure from the compartmentalized, partitioned spaces of the past.

As more and more manufacturers and business owners make hearing conservation a priority this year, it’s easy to understand why: The true cost of noise isn’t soundproofing; it’s the impact of not soundproofing.

Often, commercial contractors consider soundproofing as a bit of an afterthought; commercial acoustics are probably not the first thing on their mind when building. In fact, most people don’t notice acoustics until a building has been completed and is occupied – which is why..

What is Industrial and Commercial Noise?

For many, industrial noise may seem like nothing more than a nuisance, but it is actually an occupational hazard as prolonged exposure can cause hearing loss and other health problems. In fact, OSHA estimates that 30 million workers every..

We all get busy, but as plants and manufacturing facilities ramp up due to increases in demand, being tempted to take soundproofing shortcuts can actually cut into profits in the long run, creating lost productivity – and even fines.

Whether your goal is to identify, control or mitigate noise in an industrial environment, the installation of a noise monitoring system can be an important step in accomplishing those goals. In fact, you can decrease the risk of violating environmental restrictions, maintain ..

Mass Loaded Vinyl (or MLV) has been around for several decades as a dependable, effective product that improves STC in industrial, commercial and residential settings. When it comes to building construction, MLV is used as a high performance, flexible noise barrier, offering..

At this exact moment, you’re hearing things – whether you realize it or not. Maybe it's the “quiet” din of a busy office, your dog playing with a toy in the other room, airplanes overhead or sirens in the distance. Whatever the sonic landscape may be for you at this exact..

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