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Achieving Project Efficiency with Acoustic Experts


Engineers are known for being inquisitive and dedicated to problem-solving but often, they’re pressed for time and forced to multitask. As a result, they often need to absorb information as quickly as possible in order to choose the best products for the project at hand.

How Acoustic Experts Can Help

As we’ve previously discussed, when designing and building a construction project, it’s exponentially easier to provide soundproofing at the onset of a building project rather than retroactively. And that’s when acoustic experts can help alleviate some of the burdens for engineers.

Alleviate Pressure & Elevate Quality

According to a recent survey, engineers are working on four projects simultaneously on average, yet team size is not increasing. In fact, 55 percent of engineers say the pace of engineering is constantly increasing and 53 percent say that they are required to do more with less.

Further, year over year, more engineers cite the increasing complexity of designs as well as more time-to-market pressure as some of their biggest challenges. So help alleviate these pressures, 44 percent of companies have increased design involvement from external partners and vendors, such as Sonic-Shield.

Engineers who look to acoustic experts can quickly identify the best route to construct with soundproofing in mind – without cutting corners and problems arising down the road. Additionally, acoustic experts can help suggest top-quality products.

Provide More Information

Information is an engineer’s ally. According to the same survey, they say their leading tools to help complete projects are technical documentation, software and development tools, product specifications and data sheets.

As such, an acoustics expert can help provide the deep technical dive into soundproofing products and services that engineers seek.

  • Testing & Analysis: Acoustic experts can perform noise and vibration testing using a variety of sound level meters, dynamic signal analyzers, microphones, accelerometers or acoustic cameras. These tests focus on identifying root causes of noise problems, noise transmission paths and frequency spectra of the noise, after which acoustic experts can recommend or develop optimum and cost-effective noise and vibration control solutions.
  • Technical Documentation: Engineers say that one of their most valuable tools for completing projects is technical documentation – and acoustic experts can equip engineers with the information necessary to make more informed and efficient construction decisions in their projects

Stay Ahead Of The Competition

According to 66 percent of engineers, the competitive landscape is global and competes 24/7. In fact, 52 percent believe that the number of competitors is growing.

But for soundproofing, the addition of an acoustic expert can level the competitive playing field for engineers. While a majority of structures consider soundproofing retroactively, reactively or as a luxury, working with a partner who can outline the importance of acoustics in a building at the onset of a project can save time, money and frustration for all involved.

At Sonic-Shield, we recognize there isn’t a one-size-fits-all soundproofing solution, so having an acoustic expert who understands noise and the wide variety of options for soundproofing materials will help you engineer the perfect solution for your new construction.

Contact one of our acoustic experts to help you design a customized plan for your next construction project.