Tag: soundproofing-solutions

It’s no surprise that gyms enjoy a big boost in popularity at the beginning of every year as countless people resolve to lose weight or get in shape for the new year. While such a popular new year’s resolution is a big gain for the gyms, surrounding businesses and residences..

Acoustic panels have gained increasing popularity in recent years – and it’s easy to see (or hear) why. From restaurants, to conference rooms, to workout facilities, to manufacturing facilities, to veterinary offices, to hotels and bars, to movie theaters and more, acoustic..

During the busyness of the holidays, there comes a time – or a few – where we all wish we could just have one 'Silent Night.' Even a silent hour would be a nice reprieve. From parties to festivities to shopping, the cacophony of it all can just be too much.

When it comes to children, any parent will tell you there is little recourse for keeping kids quiet. But when it comes to all other child-related noises, such as those found in schools, there are, thankfully, plenty of ways to keep noise to a minimum to keep growing minds..

Soundproofing a restaurant is always a unique challenge as all restaurants are different. Even “chain” operations that look exactly the same, frequently have different acoustical characteristics. Whenever we are called by a restaurant owner to help them with noise levels we..


To stop airplane noise from entering your home you must first understand how and where the noise is entering. There are various paths in which aircraft noise can enter your home and disturb your peace and quiet. Sonic-Shield acoustical engineers have..

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