Tag: noisy-culture

Outdoor noise wreaks havoc with birds

Outdoor noise wreaks havoc with birds. Noise? Birds? Yes, noise effects birds as well as humans, sea life and just about all living life forms on our planet. Every four years, ornithologists from Canada to Mexico gather for the North..

New survey details impact of marine noise on marine species

New survey details impact of marine noise on marine species fromHonolulu, Hawai’i, 2 September (IUCN) –

All Marine life matters!

Are Quebec’s rivers getting too loud for belugas? It may be in Canada and we may be in the United States, but we care about marine life all over the planet as you can see from our previous blog entries and on our Twitter account. We want to be good..

Eliminate airport noise at your home or workplace

We can help reduce or eliminate airport noise at your home or workplace...Everybody has been impacted by or knows of places where airport noise has an impact on lifestyles or workplace environments. Whether it is a small..

U.S. to crack down on ocean noise that harms fish

U.S. to crack down on ocean noise that harms fish. The ocean has gotten noisier for decades, with man-made racket from oil drilling, shipping and construction linked to signs of stress in marine life that include beached..

Noise ordinances from around the country are being gathered into a central database

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 23, 2016 – If you live in Waco, Texas, your neighbor maneuvering a gas lawn mower in the middle of the night likely wouldn’t violate the decibel limit, which is eight..

A culture of noise: The transcendent power of music- John Williams conducts

Sonic-Shield is happy to reprint this column :A culture of noise: The transcendent power of music . No matter your culture, age, gender, and most importantly, no matter what type of music you like,..

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