Tag: noise-levels

As metropolitan areas develop in response to demand for more mixed-use urban living landscapes, one persistent issue continues to arise: noise.

Canned Music

Organization calls for the elimination of canned music.

Recently, during a particularly long wait at the dentist’s office, I was subjected to a non-stop cocktail of soft rock hits from the 70s. For 45 minutes I was serenaded by the likes of Jim Croce, Minnie..

Caterpillar Corporate Headquarters

Caterpillar portable generators hit the consumer market. The following story explains the company’s new series of generators. This blog post is not an advertisement for Caterpillar, but we recognize their global leadership and their move..


To stop airplane noise from entering your home you must first understand how and where the noise is entering. There are various paths in which aircraft noise can enter your home and disturb your peace and quiet. Sonic-Shield acoustical engineers have..

New Vikings stadium too loud

Is the new Vikings stadium too loud? The brand-new, fixed-roof stadium that supposedly pushes visiting-team crowd noise back to the visiting team’s sideline also is creating some problems for the home team. For the details, let’s defer to the guy..

“Living walls” make city life safer and less stressful

Living walls make city life safer and less stressfulaccording to a report published by UK consulting engineer Arup quantifying the benefits of green building envelopes such as moss, vegetated walls and roof gardens.

The ..

With objectives to limit jet noise and decrease delays, Chicago O’Hare International is Adding a New Runway. There are more than 19,000 airports and aerial landing facilities in the U.S., but only a few are as recognizable as the Chicago O’Hare International Airport. Starting in..

New survey details impact of marine noise on marine species

Ships Starve Whale Population- a disturbing headline to say the least and while a little dramatic, it does drive the point home.

As well as physical pollution and collisions being the main threats from global..

Acoustical Survey Test at a Petrochemical plant

An Acoustical Survey Test at a Petrochemical plant was a complex yet fun challenge.The typical means of performing an acoustical survey test using a standard sound level meter (SLM) is to collect several acoustic measurements..

Eliminate airport noise at your home or workplace

We can help reduce or eliminate airport noise at your home or workplace...Everybody has been impacted by or knows of places where airport noise has an impact on lifestyles or workplace environments. Whether it is a small..

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