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Noise Evaluations & Recommendations Done Remotely … And Done Right


We receive dozens of inquiries every week from all over the country and many of them ask for a site visit, an in-person evaluation or some other sort of interaction that would require us to travel near or far to the site of the noise problem to perform an evaluation.

These are completely understandable requests and, in fact, if we were trying to solve a noise problem, we would probably ask for the same.

But riddle us this: Would you like to spend money paying a soundproofing company for their time and travel or would you instead like to put those funds to better use by using it to purchase materials or installation services?

Here’s how it works.

Answer Questions, Save Money

The way we see it is like this. If, in this day and age of endless technological advances, doctors can diagnose patients via apps, phone calls and video chats, soundproofing companies should be able to provide a similar service for their clients.

So we ask questions. Five questions to be exact. 

  1. Can you identify the noise source?
  2. Can you identify the offended party(-ies), space or location? 
  3. What is the transmission path that takes noise from source to offended party?
  4. If an interior noise problem, can you provide room size, square footage, and the materials used to build the structure or room, along with photos of the space?
  5. If an exterior noise problem, can you provide pictures of the noise source and the surrounding area, including the location of the offended party(-ies) in relation to the noise source?

If – and this is where the savings begin – the questions above can be answered without an in-person consultation, we can likely solve your problem while being mindful of your budget.

In the event a trip is warranted, we will be the first to recommend it, but we strive to uncover any and all pertinent, relevant and applicable information during our discovery process in order to work with your local installers – or with you directly if you plan to install the soundproofing materials and solutions yourself – to save you both time and money.

Remote Soundproofing Evaluations & Recommendations: Case Studies

No two noise problems are exactly the same, so we treat every single one as if it were the only one of its kind. In fact, here are just three examples that we recently handled from our corporate headquarters in Tampa; one was a gaming superstore just outside of St. Louis 

Gaming Superstore

We received a call from a gaming superstore near St. Louis with over 4,800 square feet of retail space and over 2,200 square feet of dedicated event space. Their event space had 15-foot-high ceilings and can hold anywhere from 40-100 gamers at one time.

Due to the hardwood floors, the relatively high ceilings and the lack of any hangings on the walls, reflective sound was a big problem for the establishment, with noise bouncing around within the space making for a relatively unpleasant gaming experience for their guests.

We suggested the installation of our REVRB® acoustic panels, which are specifically designed to reduce unwanted echo, reverberation and background noise. The owner of the retail space was actively involved in choosing the size and color of the panels needed for his space.

Conference Room

We received an inquiry from a company in Phoenix experiencing noise problems in their conference room. Due to one glass wall and a glass door in addition to several hard surfaces and the size of the room, we were able to determine that the client was experiencing reflective noise issues as sound waves built up inside the room. 

We determined that because of the glass doors and all the reflective surfaces, that excess build-up of standing waves and reflections created most of the problem. Since the customer wanted to incorporate a large piece of art into the room’s design, custom-sized REVRB® acoustical panels were handmade to fit around the artwork and cover the wall.

Animal Shelter

A newly constructed, privately owned animal shelter on the Mid-Atlantic east coast described a ‘painful’ noise bothering the pets and the staff. Initial readings were taken that showed an average decibel level of 106 dba with spikes ranging as high as 114 dba.

We reviewed the floor plans and layout of the facility and after running all the pertinent data through our simulation software, we were able to determine how much sound absorbent materials were needed to lower the reflection time down to acceptable levels in different areas of the facility. We then shipped a selection of sound absorbent panels that could be washed down and not absorb odors.

Better Solutions. Better Service. Better Value.

When solving for acoustic solutions, we let science take over. So while not all noise testing can be done remotely, just a simple set of measurements and some details about your unique issue can help us determine the exact amount of absorbent materials you will need and from there, we will work closely with you to determine materials, sizes, colors and other customizable attributes to deliver a solution that fits your aesthetic as well as your budget.

And with over 84% of our client engagements being remote, we have saved our customers thousands of dollars over the past few years alone. 

Let us talk you through the process. Contact us to get in touch with our acoustic experts to develop an effective soundproofing solution today!