Tag: commercial-noise

As more and more manufacturers and business owners make hearing conservation a priority this year, it’s easy to understand why: The true cost of noise isn’t soundproofing; it’s the impact of not soundproofing.

Often, commercial contractors consider soundproofing as a bit of an afterthought; commercial acoustics are probably not the first thing on their mind when building. In fact, most people don’t notice acoustics until a building has been completed and is occupied – which is why..

Whether your goal is to identify, control or mitigate noise in an industrial environment, the installation of a noise monitoring system can be an important step in accomplishing those goals. In fact, you can decrease the risk of violating environmental restrictions, maintain ..

At Sonic-Shield, we use both sound barrier and/or sound absorption materials to dampen or completely deaden noise from a variety of sources. Soundproofing for commercial buildings requires understanding the types of indoor noise, such as interior sound transmission, sound..

Soundproofing a restaurant is always a unique challenge as all restaurants are different. Even “chain” operations that look exactly the same, frequently have different acoustical characteristics. Whenever we are called by a restaurant owner to help them with noise levels we..

Canned Music

Organization calls for the elimination of canned music.

Recently, during a particularly long wait at the dentist’s office, I was subjected to a non-stop cocktail of soft rock hits from the 70s. For 45 minutes I was serenaded by the likes of Jim Croce, Minnie..

New Vikings stadium too loud

Is the new Vikings stadium too loud? The brand-new, fixed-roof stadium that supposedly pushes visiting-team crowd noise back to the visiting team’s sideline also is creating some problems for the home team. For the details, let’s defer to the guy..

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